Exhibition extended "Nur eine Lücke in der Zeit" at F23 in Vienna

Bad news AND good news!
Due to the new CoV-regulations the closing event on Friday, 23 October, was postponed. BUT: our exhibition “Nur eine Lücke in der Zeit” - the first female F23 art exhibition - has been extended! So from now on we offer private tours - please send me or my artist friends a message or give us a phone call to make an appointment!
”Nur eine Lücke in der Zeit” at F23 wir.fabriken.kultur with
Angelika Rattay - Claudia Kraus - Christine Miess - dora mai
Breitenfurter Straße 176, 1st floor - 1230 Vienna


Contact us
Angelika Rattay (sculpture): 0660-94 10 993, www.skulpturengalerie.at
Claudia Kraus (photography): 0699-18 11 22 48, www.claudiakraus.at
Christine Miess (photography): 0676-65 86 115, www.christinemiess.com
dora mai (painting): 0699-10 41 71 43, www.doramai.at

Exhibition views
Copyright: Christine Miess, Gerd Schneider